Friday, March 2, 2007

Evangelism and the Glory of God

Since glory, by definition, is "the manifestation of the divine excellencies," to glorify God is to display him in all of his greatness. Let me suggest four ways that evangelism glorifies God.
  1. The Gospel glorifies God, every time it is proclaimed. For the Gospel displays or reveals God's glorious attributes or nature -- His love; his holiness; his justice; his mercy; his grace; etc.
  2. The salvation work glorifies God, every time one repents and turns in faith. Consider the celebration in among the angels (Luke 15:7, 10).
  3. The new creation that results from the reception of the gospel (by grace through faith), glorifies God simply by reflecting the ever-increasing image of God (2 Cor. 3:16.)
  4. In the end, worshippers from every tongue, tribe and nation (the fruit of the gospel power) will gather around the throne and praise him -- declaring his greatness. Again, glorifying God.

So from beginning to end, evangelism glorifies God. He is glorified when the gospel is proclaimed, whether anyone responds or not, for he is revealed through it. But the glory is multiplied in and through the salvation act, from its beginning to the end. Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

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