Monday, January 15, 2007

Spiritual Journeys - Conversations

I flew today. That's not too unusual, it about a monthly occurrence. I always wonder who I will sit next to and whether God will have a purpose in it. Sometimes they go to sleep. Sometimes we engage in conversation. Sometimes it gets significant. Today was like that.

I sat next to K., an engineer in the defense simulation industry. He is originally Muslim, from Palestine. I won't trace all the conversation. But the most profound came after discussing the five tenets of Islam, I asked him what his experience of God has been like -- He is the creator, provider, judge who watches everything, his will is always done, etc. I asked if I could share my experience - how I came to know Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord and how he has changed my life. I don't know if the light of the gospel shone through my life and words. But I know it was a delightful conversation. Since K. lives about five miles from me, its likely that we will visit again. We exchanged contact information, so the door is open.

My next conversation was with L., a gun dealer from Oregon; a member of the Latter Day Saints. We talked about his work and mine. He was intrigued by our ministry - seeing students lives transformed by Christ. I discovered the source of his interest -- his own children are his concern. They are not embracing, nor living the "faith" he has sought to teach them.

My final flight (it was a long day) I sat next to a young couple - followers of Jesus.

Three conversations. Three examples, once again, that everyone is on a spiritual journey. We don't always get to enter into that journey with others. But we can be confident, they are on a journey!

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