Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Changing Student Landscape (Part 3)

Pardon the delay, but I am finally completing my series of posts on the "Changing Student Landscape". The last few weeks of conferences and vacation delayed me.

In Changing Student Landscape (Part 1; Part 2), I have been exploring student trends that influence evangelism. I continue here with two final cultural observations.

#7 Disillusioned with Christianity
Christians have a PR problem. There is not only a growing disillusionment with institutional Christianity, but Christians, as a people, are increasingly perceived negatively. Student attitudes have been chronicled in numerous ways, including Dan Kimball’s book, They Like Jesus, But Not the Church, and Jeff Martin’s documentary, “Lord, Save Us From Your Followers". Kinnaman & Lyons’ research, recorded in the book with the descript title, UnChristian suggest six common perceptions of Christians:
  • Hypocritical
  • Too focused on getting converts
  • Anti-homosexual
  • Sheltered
  • Too Political
  • Judgmental
While my experience confirms the research, I have also found that students do not necessarily apply these negative attributes to every believer they meet. Rather, if they perceive you as an open, honest, safe, and caring person, they have the ability to differentiate between you and the general public image. But one thing is for certain, this is a cultural apologetic for why we, as believers must be the primary initiators of significant positive spiritual interactions. When this generation is ready to seek, they are not inclined (given their general view of Christians) to turn to us for answers. We have to engage with them and show them (i.e. genuinely demostrate) that we are different than the perceptions.

#8 Worldview Stew
The final characteristic I’ll mention in this series is the inconsistencies in worldview. While there are exceptions to the norm, most students’ worldviews are a mixture of various beliefs adopted from the media, peers, education, family and other influences. For this reason, many of their views are logically inconsistent. Yet this does not seem to bother them. Their low view of truth (i.e., all truth is relative) eases any angst that might be felt by living with contradictions. Here are a couple of examples from Pew research:
  • 70% of those who claim religious affiliation believe multiple religions can lead to salvation
  • 57% of self-identified evangelicals believe multiple religions can lead to salvation.
  • 21% of self-identified atheists believe that some kind of God exists.
(Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life)

So what are the implications of this changing student landscape? How do these characteristics effect campus ministry and witness? What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...


I would love to know the ethnic makeup of the students surveyed. It seems that many of these are directed towards a majority white audience. For example, the Latinos I am working with are not disillusioned with Christianity at all. Many are just beginning to explore it.

In crusade I have found that when we talk about the culture of todays students we really mean the culture of todays WHITE students.


Keith Davy said...

Great observations, Eric. While I am traveling I can't check Kineman & Lyons's book for his data sample. I assume it was a general sampling. I don't recall ethnic breakdowns. At their website you can download their conclusions -- but there is not any ethnic breakdowns. Kimball's book was not based on formal research, but rather interviews and experience at UC Santa Barbara (if I remember correctly.) Martin -- just traveled and shot documentary. So, nothing in this was ethnic specific -- white or other. But you are astute in pointing out the difference between culture in general and the views of any specific (in your case, Latino) ethnic views. Thanks.

Keith Davy said...

BTW - It just dawned on me, that Kineman & Lyon's were investigating "outsiders", those who were not identifying themselves as Christian. So this may also explain some of the deviation between your experience with Latinos, Eric, who may identify themselves primarily as Christian and the their findings.

Anonymous said...


that makes sense. Latinos in general would classify themselves Christian even if they don't necessarily practice regularly.

Maybe part 4 of the changing student landscape is the fact that more ethnic minority students are arriving on campus.

The more we learn about students (ethnic majority or minority) the more effective we will be at reaching them.

thanks for posting.