Monday, June 27, 2011

Framing the Problem of Evil in Animation

Want help framing and responding to the problem of evil? Here are two animations that could help.

The shorter version (1 min, 46 sec):

And a bit longer response (3:10)



Karl said...

Watched both videos. While the second video certainly does have a lot of humour which will appeal to some people, I felt the busy animations and music distracted from the message. I found myself wondering at the end how they had got to the conclusion they had got to.

The first video was a lot easier to follow and is a very good example of well-done kinetic type.

One problem I have with both of them though is that they only deal with the issue of moral evil, not natural evil. Any atheist worth his salt will immediately raise the issue of earthquakes, tornados and tsunamis and ask why God didn't create a world without these things and give us our freedom. And it would be a valid question that is not answered by either video.

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Thanks CoJourner for sharing these videos in our journing,
would like to coTravel with you
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