Friday, May 8, 2009

Changing Demographics

NOTE: I posted this back in May, with my interest less about the stats themselves, more about the implications for mission and evangelism in Europe. Since then, it has been brought to my attention that the statistics have been "debunked." Rather than pulling this post, I leave it up with the counter-point article, "Debunking a You Tube Hit", a "case-study" (so to speak) of the misuse of statistics.

A friend recently brought this video on the changing demographics of Europe, Canada and the US to my attention. What are the implications of this for mission and evangelism?


Anonymous said...

What do you think of the video and the tone that it carries?


Keith Davy said...

It seems a bit alarmist -- which isn't what intrigued me. I was more interested in the shifting demographic. A 10-40 window people group (among whom the gospel of the kingdom continues to penetrate and spread) has moved from under the political controls (and thus closed doors) of the ME and into the democratic nations of WE. I am aware there are missions in Europe with this audience in view. But I am not sure many in the US recognize the implications...

Anonymous said...

I would agree that the tone of the video is a concern.

Mike Pocock ( is writing a book about how God uses migration to either take people to the gospel or bring believers to a new location.

With Muslims in Europe, he could be bringing them to a place with easier access to the gospel.

With Latinos in the US, I think He's bring Christians to re-evangelize the US.

Either way, God is using migration to get the gospel where it is needed.


Keith Davy said...

I agree. Immigration is a mission-shaping trend - whether in redistributing gospel-bearing believers or those who need to hear the gospel. Interesting times we live in!