Monday, December 15, 2008

Did You Know? 3.0

An updated version of "Did You Know?" (3.0) has been released. This excellent video helps you grasp the magnitude of change that is occurring through globalization and the technology that fuels the information age.

What difference does this make?


Tony said...

One of the differences it makes is the rapid change towards a digital communication culture, as described in The Millennium Matrix (Miller) and Flickering Pixels (Shane Hipps) - I blogged about Hipps book here.

Thanks Keith for mentioning my blog on your blogroll too!



Keith Davy said...

Excellent. I haven't read Hipps, though I have Miller. In fact, had a delightful visit with him this winter. He came to visit in Orlando. I have used his Matrix a number of times speaking over the last year or so. Helpful!