Monday, July 7, 2008

The Four Circles - A Gospel Presentation

James Choung has developed a gospel presentation using Four Circles. He writes:
Here's an attempt to explain the Christian faith... in three minutes. (It was tough, but I was asked to do it.) Clearly, many details will be left out in such a short amount of time. Let me know what you think.
It was recently featured in Christianity Today:

But if you would like to see James in action his videos are on YouTube. Well worth watching.

You can also download this to your iPod from

He has two upcoming books: "True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In" and "Based on a True Story," published by InterVarsity Press and available at Amazon. I have not seen either.


Terry and Eileen said...

Hmmm... certainly an interesting presentation; but it concerns me that he relies on his own cleverness and persuasivness instead of on God's Word.

I would also start with the first circle (the good creation), instead of our broken world. For too long we evangelicals have focused on the "You are a sinner..." attitude. This presentation gives an opportunity to start with "Man was created to live in a perfect world", then present the fall and redemption in circles 3 and 4, finally showing that we end up with the perfect environment for which we were created.

Anonymous said...

i think this is a great little tool. i really like that it's easily memorized and you can share the gospel without a tract.

terry and eileen, i think the thing that is helpful is that starting in the upper left we are able to expose the need (a necessity in any good educational environment). this drives the conversation. it also taps into the big picture of the whole of Scripture and we begin to see how it all comes together.

Anonymous said...

Great job! This is a really practical way to share the gospel. However, I would try to work the Law into the presentation somehow. I believe that someone cannot know they are a sinner in need of a savior until they know sin. And the Bible says that we cannot know sin until we know the Law (Rom 7:7). Just like you wouldn't go to the doctor unless you think you're sick, people don't desire the Savior until they see their need. I'm not sure where to work this in, maybe at the time where you draw the two parallel lines in between the top right circle and the bottom left circle. These lines were what stopped us from going to the "good world" from the "bad world" which is the role that sin plays in our lives. Don't know if any of this interests you, I just wanted to share it. Thanks again and God bless!