Monday, July 8, 2013

The Modes of Evangelism: Ministry Witness (Part 1)

This is third of a series exploring the “modes of evangelism”.  Earlier posts have explored Body Witness and Natural Witness. This posting explores Ministry Witness.

Many people today lack either connection to a healthy community of believers for body witness or personal relationships with individual believers who will engage in natural witness. The only way for these individuals to be reached with the gospel is through intentional outreach ministry—the ministry mode of evangelism.

It is important to recognize that ministry witness is also a relational mode. But it is a different kind of relational connection than natural witness, because it occurs through the intentional ministry activity of the believer. This context has a profound influence on the style of witness, requiring openness and transparency coupled with genuine love and care. But when a ministry witness is empowered by God’s Spirit, it can have a profound impact on the lives of individuals and communities. Event-based and media outreaches can be considered subsets of ministry mode evangelism. Though the relational element is less personal, the communication of the gospel occurs because someone is engaged in intentional ministry outreach.

Jesus is, of course, the model of ministry witness, par excellence. Fulfilling his mission involved going “to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come” (Mark 1:38, 39). He sent the twelve and then the 72 on ministry mode assignments, declaring the kingdom of God (Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-17).
After his ascension, the apostles led the expansion of the gospel through this type of ministry witness. (See for example, Acts 5:41-42). Philip engaged in a ministry mode of witness in a city in Samaria (Acts 8:5) and on a dessert road with the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). Barnabas did so in Antioch (Acts 11:22-24) and then joined efforts with the Apostle Paul, as they engaged in ministry witness throughout their missionary journeys (Acts 13 and beyond). Ministry witness is the leading edge of gospel expansion. Through it, new audiences are penetrated and new communities of believers are established.


Anonymous said...

Attention: Keith Davey
Regarding:Introduction: An Overview of CoJourners :: Cru
Pre-script: I am writing here because on the above site, when the email button is clicked it does not fill in any email address and will not send. Please forgive any confusion.
Dear Keith,
It was with the excited interest that I read your introduction page regarding coJourners.
I have been a born-again Christian for 40 years, and have held multiple roles in churches working with children, young adults, and adults; in worship, preaching, bible study, and pastoral care. I have also been involved in Victorious Ministry Through Christ (VMTC), an international, interdenominational prayer ministry, for 20 years.
I am currently doing my PhD through Sydney College of Divinity regarding the experiences of those involved in spiritual support roles. Due to religious and denominational preconceived ideas about particular terms, such as laity, minister etc, I have been searching for a term to designate someone who is involved in pastoral/mentor role without the theological or denominational 'baggage'.
I am writing to ask if you would allow me to use your term "coJourners" in my thesis, understanding that it would be fully referenced and explained as your intellectual property. At this point, I only have web site details. If you would prefer I cite your property differently, please let me know.
For the benefit and ease of writing within my thesis I would also like to ask if you would allow me to 'tweak' your term so that the "J" is maintained in lower case, thus making a fluent word to name all the characteristics that you mention of explorer, builder, mentor, guide, as well as the activities involved; thus introducing a very relevant and pertinent label for application to a specific and necessary aspect of people carrying on the work of Christ in the world.
I pray you receive this as a confirmation of your work, and affirmation of your creative originality; which I fully desire to protect, hence my contacting you to seek permission.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest possible convenience.
Kay Job

Keith Davy said...

Nice to hear from you. The general answer is, "yes". I would be delighted if our work can serve you and those you minister to.

CoJourner resources are published through CruPress, a publishing arm of Cru (or Campus Crusade for Christ.)

Would you please send your request by e-mail to me at: We can then provide a more official response.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much.
Email is on the way.