Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Innovation & Evangelism

I was asked to write a few paragraphs for the programs for the CCC staff conference this summer. Here are the first thoughts...

As evangelists in the 21st century, we are work between two realities. On one side is the Unchanging Creator God, who at all times in all places is seeking to save the lost. On the other is our rapidly changing culture -- a mosaic of lifestyles, worldviews and values that characterize men and women wandering from God. How do we maintain faithfulness to God's unchanging mission and message while achieving relevance for a moving target culturally? It is this balance that positions us for increased fruitfulness.

The gospel never changes. It is "the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16.) But we, like Paul, are constantly adapting to our audiences in order "…to win as many as possible…by all possible means…" (1 Corinthians 9:19, 22; NIV). Innovation and evangelism is not an option. It is a necessity.


1 comment:

Pat said...

Hey Keith,

Good stuff. Have you seen "Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture" by Walt Mueller? He describes the post-modern mind and tells how to connect with it. He makes a very strong case for knowing the culture and its "poets" (in this case, music artists, moviemakers, and everyone who contributes to popular media).

It's geared toward high school but I believe is equally applicable to college ministry.

Keep up the great work.
