Saturday, August 30, 2008

Paul's Gospel and Caesar's Empire

I am currently reading on-line a fascinating article:

Paul's Gospel and Caesar's Empire
By N.T. Wright
If Paul's answer to Caesar is the empire of Jesus, what is an empire
under the rule of this new lord? How does Paul's gospel line up with Caesar's empire?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Après Lewis - Insightful Glance at Modern Apologetic Books

Mere Christianity has been a standard for Christian witness for decades. Has a new work arisen in its tradition? David Skeel muses on the current offerings in Après Lewis. (Thanks to Eric who brought this article to my attention.)

Short Film - Emerging Strategy

Over the last two years an exciting new approach to stimulating deep, spiritual conversations has been developing around the use of short films, now downloadable for iPods. This approach has been field testing on a variety of US and International summer projects this summer. Initial feedback has been very (VERY) encouraging. We'll be posting more about this in the days to come. For now, just want you to know that the short films are available for only $1.99 a download. Choose your best five, and it is still under $10. The most commonly used one has been Over the last two years an exciting new approach to stimulating deep, spiritual conversations has been developing around the use of . This approach has been field testing on a variety of US and International summer projects this summer. Initial feedback has been very (VERY) encouraging. We'll be posting more about this in the days to come. For now, just want you to know that the short films are available for only $1.99 a download. Choose your best five, and it is still under $10. The most commonly used one has been LaBusqueda.

Changed Life: Mosab Hassan Yousef

My excellent co-worker, Holly, drew my attention to this -- the story of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas leader who years ago found Christ as his Savior and Lord and is now speaking openly about it. If you only have two minutes, watch the video. If you five, read the interview. Very enlightening.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Dialogue between McGrath & Dawkins

Having drawn attention to Plantinga's article on Naturalism & Evolution, it brings to mind another "discussion."  

Want to listen in to a dialogue (an uncut version) between two intellectual "giants"?  Here you go...

The Root of Evil

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Conference on Post Christian Spiritualites

I was just sent this....
Trinity is cosponsoring with a Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization Issue Group a conference on 16-19 October at our campus entitled Trinity Consultation on Post-Christendom Spiritualities.  The aim of the conference is to address the issues of declining Christianity in the West and emerging spiritualities embodied in contemporary Paganism, Western Esotericism and other religious cults.
In our day of increasing religious pluralism manifested not only in the world religions in the West, but in the 3,000 plus religious cults, this conference would be an excellent opportunity for those preparing for ministry in the US or Europe.  Because we feel it is such an important conference, the registration of $60 is nominal (food is additional).  This price is well worth the event considering the speakers who are coming (Craig Blomberg, Gerald McDermott, James Chancellor and several others).  You can see more information at 

Evolution & Naturalism: Oil & Water

I have just come across this article by Plantinga... The beginning (all the further I have had time to read) looks intriguing -- enough that I will note it before I complete it: