Wednesday, March 5, 2008

One Question for God

Here is a creative outreach from a campus ministry...

Amid a sea of orange and blue T-shirts, campaign signs, fliers and Student Government candidates at Turlington Plaza on the University of Florida campus this week, there stood two 8-foot-tall white signs that boldly asked, "What is the one question you would ask God?"

"It really makes you stop and think," said Ryan Arens, a UF freshman and journalism major. "It's a really unique way to look at faith."

Scribbled all over the signs in black Sharpie were questions like, "Why give us free will?" and "When will the end come?" and even "What happened to the dinosaurs?"

Read the full story...

Monday, March 3, 2008

A More Robust Gospel

I have to get back to this later for comment...

Missional Reading

Want a good primer on Missional readings? Look this one over...

Thanks to the blind beggar!

Two "Powerful" Truths

I have found that:

1. Every person’s life is a story worth telling. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

2. Every person is on a spiritual journey. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Those two statements are worth their weight in gold (actually, words don’t weigh much, do they?) But the point remains; they can stimulate some profound “exploration” for the CoJourner.

The first leads to a simple: “Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? What you are studying? Etc.” General conversation enables you to get to know another person.

The second enables you to enter into their spiritual journey. “Tell me more about your experience. What was your religious background growing up? For you was it positive or negative? Etc.”

After listening, ask permission to share some of your life and experience. “Can I tell you a little of my experience?” (That is the opportunity for a brief “faith story” or example of how Christ is transforming your life and experience.)

Or, “Can I show you something that really helps me understand how to experience a personal relationship with God?” (This is the opportunity to share gospel truth with simplicity and clarity.)

Two simple statements; two simple truths. Together they can shape profound spiritual conversations.